MBOSE SSLC Results 2020 will be released in June /July 2020. MBOSE (Meghalaya Board of School Education) is the official authority to conduct the SSLC examination. The board was established in the year 1973 and the head office of the board is situated in Tura, Meghalaya. The board manages all the matters related to School Education in the Meghalaya state. Secondary School Leaving Certificate is conducted every year in the month of March after that the result will be declared. To know more about the MBOSE SSLC result 2020 and downloading procedure, students should read this article.
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MBOSE SSLC Result 2020
MBOSE SSLC Result 2020
MBOSE SSLC Result 2020 will be released in June/ July 2020 through online mode only. No other mode will be made available to access the result. The board will also publish the names of first twenty students those scores the highest marks in decreasing order.
It will also publish the highest marks score by the first twenty students in each subject. The students can check their results by entering the roll number and select year of examination. The board will also provide the facility to get the result through SMS.
MBOSE SSLC Result 2020 Date
The SSLC board exam is conducted every year in the month of March. This year also the exam was from 4th March to 16th March 2020. MBOSE SSLC result will be released in June /July 2020. The result for the last year was declared on 27th May 2019.