Sl. No. Subject Score Time C.E T.E (Hrs) Practical Examination Total 1 Malayalam 10 40 50 1 ½ 2 English 20 80 100 2 ½ 3 Mathematics 20 80 100 2 ½ 4 Physics 10 40 50 1 ½ 5 Chemistry 10 40 50 1 ½ 6 Social Science 20 80 100 2 ½ 7 General Engineering II 10 40 50 1 ½ 8 Engineering Drawing III 20 80 100 3 9 Trade Theory 10 40 50 1 ½ 10 Workshop Practice 50 — 100 150 3 11 Information Technology 10 10 30 50 1 Total Marks 190 530 130 850 Eligibility for higher study is minimum ‘C+’ Grade for Workshop practice and D+ Grade in each paper when considering the total CE and TE scores.
SSLC 2020 Details of the written examination and continuous evaluation with the maximum score and time allowed
Uncategorized10 sslc Details of the written examination and continuous evaluation with the maximum score and time allowed, 10 sslc Details of the written examination and continuous evaluation with the maximum score and time allowed 2020, 10th sslc Details of the written examination and continuous evaluation with the maximum score and time allowed, 10th sslc Details of the written examination and continuous evaluation with the maximum score and time allowed 2020, 10th sslc Details of the written examination and continuous evaluation with the maximum score and time allowed 2020 kerala, 2020 sslc Details of the written examination and continuous evaluation with the maximum score and time allowed, download sslc Details of the written examination and continuous evaluation with the maximum score and time allowed 2020 kerala, sslc Details of the written examination and continuous evaluation with the maximum score and time allowed 2020, sslc Details of the written examination and continuous evaluation with the maximum score and time allowed 2020-18