No.Ex.CGL(3)/61993/2020/CGE Office of the Commissioner for Government Examinations, Pareekshabhavan, Poojappura Thiruvananthapuram -12 Date 21 /10/2020 NOTIFICATION Sub:- Technical High School Leaving Certificate Examination – March 2020 – Conducting – Reg. Ref :-1. G.O. (P) 53/04 Gl. Edn dt. 4/2/2004. 2. G.O. (Rt) No. 4610/2012 G.Edn dated 28/09/2012 3. G.O. (Rt) No. 3936/2013 G.Edn dated 28/09/2013 4. G.O. (Rt) No. 1889/2012 G.Edn dated 10/09/2012 5. G.O. (Rt) No. 323/2020 G.Edn dated 18/02/2020 The Technical High School Leaving Certificate (THSLC) Examination for the Academic year 2020-2020 is scheduled to be conducted from 08.03.2020 to 28.03.2020 as per the Time Table included in this notification. Government as per G.O. cited 5th above has ordered to revise and revamp the curriculum of the Government Technical Schools in Kerala. Accordingly the Subjects, Marks and Grades have also changed. The details of Subjects and Marks are included in this notification separately. As per G.O (Rt) No. 4610/2012 G.Edn dated, 28/09/2012 the maximum score for IT examination to the regular candidates is fixed as 50. 40 score will be for public examination and 10 score for continuous evaluation. Out of the 40 scores, 10 score is for theory examination and 30 score for practical examination. IT theory examination will not be a written examination for regular candidates and it will be conducted along with the practical examination using computer. As per G.O. (Rt) No. 3936/2013 G.Edn. dated 28/09/2013, the Government decided to reduce the time allowed to IT Examination will be 1 hr from the academic year 2013-14. 2020 March Examination will be the last chance to the THSLC Students of old scheme who had not passed the examination. The Students those who failed in 2020-2020 academic year can appear the examination for the year 2020-2020 as private candidate.