Appendix- E No. CGL(1)56798/08/CGE Office of the Commissioner for Government Examinations, Pareekshabhavan, Poojappura Thiruvananthapuram-12 Dated: 06 /03/2013 CIRCULAR Sub: General Education- SSLC and other public Examinations- Enhancement of Supervision Allowance, Stationery and contingent charges- Sanctioned orders issued. Ref: 1. G.O.(MS) 112/2012/G.Edn Dtd. 10/04/2012 2. G.O.(M.S.) 57/2013/G.Edn Dtd. 16/02/2013 Referring to the above the following are the details of enhanced rate of supervision allowance and other contingent charges. Sl.No. Category Existing Rate Revised Rate 1 Chief Superintendent Rs. 48 Rs. 63 2 Deputy Superintendent Rs. 41 Rs. 54 3 Assistant Rs. 34 Rs. 45 4 Clerk Rs. 29 Rs. 38 5 Peon Rs. 19 Rs. 25 6 Clerical Allowance 60 ps Rs.2/- Candidate subjected to a minimum of Rs.100/- per center 7 Contingency Rs.38 Rs. 46/- for 50 candidate and Rs.20/-for every additional 50 candidate 8 Photocopy charges – Rs.1/- candidate 9 Transportation of answer script 85 ps Rs.1.50/–km/bundles 10 Stationery Article Rs.168 Rs.200/-for first 100 candidate and Rs.50/- for every additional 50 candidates 11 Stitching charges Rs. 1.20 For first 15 bags no stitching charge Rs.2/- for every additional bags. 36 The authority to verify and issue admissibility regarding the expenses related to the conduct of the examination is delegated to District Education Officers w.e.f. 10/04/2012. The revised rates will be applicable from the SSLC Examination 3/2013 onwards. The expenditure will be met from the special fee fund and recouped later from the fund provided for the examination purpose. The deputy Directors of Education are directed to re-allot the funds kept for meeting the expenditure for SSLC and other Public Examination 2012 March to the concerned District Educational Officers under their jurisdiction. They are also to directed to hand over the details of advance amount if any paid to the Chief Superintendent in connection with the public examinations, 3/2012 so as to settle the account in the DEO office at the earliest. (Sd /-) JOINT COMMISSIONER Copy toAll Deputy Directors of Education All District Educational Officers.

GRACE MARKS IN SSLC EXAMINATION – MARCH 2020 Sl.No. Name of Item Code Grade Marks Remarks 1 State Youth Festival YF A B C 30 24 18 – 2 State Science Fair SF 3 State Mathematics Fair MF 4 State Social Science Fair SSF 5 State Work Experience Fair WE 6 State Information Technology Fair IT 7 Junior Red Cross JRC – 10 8 Rajya Puraskar RP 25 5 % of the written exam 9 Rashtrapathi Scouts/ Guides RS/RG 49 10 % of the written exam 10 National Cadet Corps (National Level) NCC 49 10 % of the written exam 11 National Cadet Corps (School Level) NCC 25 5 % of the written exam 12 Southern India Science Fair & Science Drama Festival SISF First Second Third 74 64 54 15 % of the written exam 13 % of the written exam 11 % of the written exam 13 National Science Fair NSF 74 15 % of the written exam 14 Childrens ScienceCongress National Level – 74 15 % of the written exam State Level A 30 B 24 – C 18 15 Students Police Cadet SPC – 25 5 % of the written exam 16 Sargolsavam A 12 B 10