Cost of THSLC Cards

All candidates including regular and private have to pay Rs.15/towards the cost of THSLC Cards. The Head of Institution should collect the amount from each candidates and remit the same in the treasury of Kerala State in the head of account “0202-01-102-92- other receipts.”Private candidates appearing for the examination should remit the prescribed fee in any treasury through chalan in the name of the candidate himself in the head of account “0202-01-102-99-examination fees” and submit the chalan along with the application to the examination centre.On any account, the fee should not be sent to this office by cash/ cheque/postal order/currency or any other form. In no circumstances any amount paid as examination fee will be refunded or allowed to be adjusted towards as subsequent examination.Date of receipt and remittance of examination fee and submission of application, A&B lists etc. are shown below.

1. Receiving application and Examination fee : 09/11/2020 to 19/11/2020 without fine 2. Remittance of examination fee in the : 21/11/2020 treasury 3. Receiving application & Examination fee at : 21/11/2020 to 26/11/2020 examination Centre with a fine of Rs.10/- 4. Remittance of fee collected with : 28/11/2020 fine in Treasury 5. Remittance of amount collected : 28/11/2020 as cost of certificate in Treasury 6. Last date for submitting details of candidates : 29/11/2020 other than school going candidates (ARC, Betterment and Private)

Late fee or under wrong Heads of Account or partial or inadequate remittance will not be accepted on any account.Private candidate (full course or compartmental) appearing for the examination should submit their application in the form given in Annexure-A of this notification with the certificate book and the Chalan receipt (in original) to the Superintendent of the Technical High School concerned.

The Superintendent of Technical High Schools should collect such application and the A&B lists be prepared and forwarded (A lists of regular candidates with Chalan receipt, B lists of private candidates including previous register numbers and Chalan receipts) to the Secretary to the Commissioner for Government Examinations, Pareekshabhavan,Poojappura,Thiruvananthapuram-12 on or before 15/12/2020. The Chief Superintendent should also specify whether the candidates are PCO or PCN.

Other Instructions

List of School Going Candidates prepared by Pareeksha Bhavan with the details collected via “Sampoorna” will be issued for scrutiny to the schools through DEO concerned during the last week of November. The same has to be submitted back to DEO within one week after verification along with required document needed for rectifying the mistake if any found. In addition to this other relevant forms related to the examination, (Question Paper Statement, details of fee remitted etc.) should also be submitted along with this. Specimen forms are available in the official website of Pareeksha Bhavan (

While collecting the examination fee of private candidates, the Heads of examination centres should ensure that no corrections or tampering is done in the THSLC card. They should also make sure that the details of all previous appearance (previous register numbers and name of centres) of the candidates are recorded in their application. The Heads of schools should keep these cards along 15 with the application forms in respective examination centres. They should return this card to the candidates along with the new cards immediately on receipt of the same. Under no circumstances the original certificate should be sent to Pareeksha Bhavan.

Private candidates should apply for the examination at the same centres they appeared for the first time. If the examination centre has to be changed, prior sanction should be obtained from the District Educational Officer concerned.While issuing admission ticket, special care should be taken if there are more than one student with the same name


A Statement as noted below should also be enclosed 1. Number of candidates appearing for the examination as category wise. 2. Details of fee collected and remitted. 3. Question Paper Statement. (Prescribed format in Annexure E) 20. The CE marks relating to the school candidates should be submitted so as to reach this Office on or before 31/01/2020. 21. The photograph affixed on the admission ticket of the regular candidate will be down loaded from the website. The admission tickets of the candidates will be issued by the Chief Superintendent of the School at least three days before the commencement of the Examination. Candidates are allowed to answer the nonlanguage papers to written in English only. 22. Grace Marks a) Grace Mark will be awarded to the eligible candidates as per rules. THSLC students who are participants /prize winners in National Games/ Sports are eligible for grace mark in the THSLC examination as per GO(Rt) No. 1240/08 H. Edn (J) Dept dated 18/08/2008 on conditions stipulated in the GO(MS) No. 156/87 Gl.Edn. dated 22/07/1987. b) Those who have participated in the All Kerala Youth Festival and Games Meets and won First, Second & Third places are eligible for Grace Marks. (Govt. Order No. 752/09/Higher Edn. Dated 03/06/2009) 16 c) The pupils under IHRD School are also eligible for Grace Mark. (Govt. Order No. 1066/09/Higher Edn. Dtd.17/07/2008). d) Pupils who joined in JRC, attended JRC Camp and passed JRC Examination are eligible for Grace Marks of 10 (Govt. Order (MS) 73/09 Gen. Edn.Dtd. 27/06/2009). e) Grace marks are also awarded to National Cadet Corps, Student Police Cadets and Scout and Guide (Rajyapuraskar) f) Grace marks are awarded to the candidates only on the basis of the sanction order received from the Director of Technical Education. The Chief Superintendent should forward the details of candidates who are eligible for Grace mark to the Director of Technical Education. The Director is the authority to allow the Grace Mark and forward a proceedings of the eligible candidates for Grace Mark to the Secretary, Pareekshabhavan. 23. Photocopy, Scrutiny, and Revaluation of answer scripts (a) Application for photocopy of answer scripts in Annexure B should be submitted within 5 days from the date of publication of results. The fee for photocopy of the answer scripts is fixed as Rs. 200/- per paper. (b) Application from candidates in the form prescribed in Annexure B for scrutiny of valued answer scripts will be accepted only if received within 5 days from the date of publication of results. Fee for scrutiny is Rs. 50/- per paper. (c) Application for revaluation of answer scripts (Theory Subjects) from the candidates should be submitted in the form prescribed in Annexure B. The fee for revaluation of answer scripts is fixed as Rs. 400/- per paper. Application for revaluation should be submitted to Head of institution within 5 days from the date of publication of results. Fresh certificates including the revised grade will be distributed through to the heads of institutions to those who procure higher grades. The amount paid for revaluation will also be reimbursed if the candidate secured higher grade.The students those who secure A+ can also apply for revaluation 17 (d) After reimbursing the amount to the students who obtained the higher grade in the revaluation, from the fee collected for revaluation, scrutiny, and photocopy etc., the balance amount should be remitted to the treasury under the head “0202-01-102-92 other receipts”. The photocopy of the chalan and the statements should be despatched to Pareekshabhavan. 24. The fee for photocopy, scrutiny or revaluation should be remitted in cash to the Head of Institution in which the candidates appeared for the examination along with the application for the same. Belated applications will not be accepted. 25. Any candidate who commits or attempts to commit malpractice in the examination will be expelled immediately and will not be allowed to appear for any paper subsequently in the Examination. Candidates are warned that they should not take into the examination hall any written or printed matter. Copying from another candidate or giving convenience to any candidate for copying or speaking to another candidate will be considered as malpractice. If any candidate behaves in unruly manner either in the examination hall or in the premises of the institution will be expelled from the examination by the Chief Superintendent. Any candidate expelled from the examination either for malpractice or for unruly behavior may be further debarred from appearing for subsequent examinations for specified number of chances as decided later. 26. All candidates appearing for the examination according to the Notification will be given an undertaking that they will abide by all the rules now in force. 27. Cancellation of Candidature If the candidature of a student has to be cancelled under certain circumstances, application for the same should be submitted in the specified format attached. (Annexure – C). The application should reach the Secretary to the Commissioner for Government Examinations before 28/02/2020. On the envelope in which the application are enclosed, it should be noted that “Application for cancellation of candidature” in red ink. The candidature of those who have attended the IT practical examination cannot be cancelled. 28. Concession to CWSN 18 a) The Hearing Impaired regular candidates in Technical High Schools will be given additionally 25% of the marks secured by them in theory paper as they are backward in language ability(G.O.(MS) 58/97/G.Edn.dt.21/02/1997). The Chief Superintendents should make necessary noting on the facing sheet of the main answer books of such candidates with order No& date of the DPI and category of concession. b) For this case, prior sanction of the Director of Public Instruction Thiruvananthapuram should be obtained for which the application from the parents of such candidates, recommendation letter of the Heads of Technical High Schools (Prescribed format in Annexure – D) and Medical Certificate from the competent Medical Board are to be routed through the Director of Technical Education, Thiruvananthapuram so as to reach the office of the Directorate of Public Instruction, Jagathy, Thiruvananthapuram on or before 11/12/2020. 29. Distribution of Cards a) The grade printed THSLC cards will be sent to the respective Heads of Schools for distribution through the District Educational Officers concerned. THSLC cards recorded with wrong information regarding the candidate, incorrect signature, without seal or illegible print are not to be distributed. This should be brought to the notice of the Secretary within three months with relevant records. Necessary arrangements to issue of correct certificate and to return the undistributed certificate to Pareeksha Bhavan will have to be taken up at the earliest. b) The Head of the schools will have to either enter the details of THSLC card in the duplicate register or take a photocopy of THSLC before distribution it to the candidates. The signatures of the candidates must be collected in a separate register before issuing the THSLC card. The Head of the school should compulsorily sign below the details entered in the card in black ink. The name and official address of the Head of the school is to be placed beneath the 19 signature and the office (school) seal should be fixed before the distribution of THSLC cards to the candidates. c) The Head of the school should sign in black ink in the THSLC card. Green ink should not be used and such certificates will be treated as invalid. 30. Score Details The score secured in the examination will not be disclosed to the candidates under any circumstances. But for those who go for higher studies, if the scores of THSLC examination are required for admission, their numerical marks will be communicated confidentially to the Head of the institution where he/she seeks admission at the instance of submitting a separate application in white paper along with the DD of Rs.100/- drawn in favour of the Secretary Pareekshabhavan, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram. For employment purpose also score details will be communicated in this manner. The score details of candidates who appeared the exam before 2 years will be given to the candidates on production of a DD of Rs.200/- drawn in favour of Secretary, Pareekshabhavan, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram 31. Migration Certificate Those who have passed THSLC can obtain the Migration Certificate required for continuing their studies outside the State. To obtain this certificate the candidate should submit an application in white paper along with a chalan of Rs. 50/- (0202-01-102-92 other receipts) with their THSLC card/ Certificate duly attested by a Gazetted Officer. Care should be taken to follow the instructions provided in this notification for the smooth conduct of the examination.